We’ve created a spring gardening checklist to inspire you to spruce up your garden. After all, it’s the season for regrowth and new beginnings, so let’s get busy!

Our Top Spring Gardening Tips

As backyard landscaping and garden maintenance experts, we love Spring. However, it can be an overwhelming time for some gardeners when trying to prioritise what needs work in the garden.

Our spring gardening checklist helps break down the tasks and jobs for you. Once it’s all done, sit back and enjoy the blossoms and beauty of spring.

Get Your Vegetables Growing

Springtime is nature’s way of telling us to prepare our raised vegetable gardens for a bountiful harvest of summer produce.

Get inspired by planting summer vegetables like:

  • Tomatoes
  • Capsicums
  • Cucumbers
  • Beans
  • Zucchinis

Pretty Up Your Garden with Beautiful Flowers

While jasmine, wisteria and roses are popular spring flowers, don’t forget about stunning bulbs, like daffodils and tulips.

For a more Australian native feel, waratahs, bottlebrushes and kangaroo paws are perfect options.

Before you know it, your garden will be bursting with colour.

Weeds Begone!

It’s time to get down and dirty with some weeding. Weeds love sunshine and warm weather. At this time of year, regular weeding is essential, to prevent your garden from weed infestations.

Head over to our previous blog post for all the tips and tricks on how to get rid of these pesky plants.

Pruning is Key

Give your trees and shrubs a fresh start with a good prune. Cutting dead wood and clearing up the dead leaves from winter gives your garden a chance for fresh, new growth.

Be sure to use the right tool for each type of pruning, ensuring the tool is sharp and clean before your start. Cut back any weak or stunted growth and thin out problem branches to ensure air circulation for regrowth.

Irrigation Systems Simplify Your Busy Life

Warmer weather calls for more watering. An irrigation system will help reduce your water bill during the summer, while the automatic timer will ensure your garden is always adequately watered. At Early Up, we install garden irrigation systems – ask our friendly team about a quote.

Attracting Birds with a Feeder

Why not welcome feathered friends into your garden? In spring, a bird feeder can assist migrating birds to refuel and rest.

Clean out your bird feeder regularly and fill it with fresh seed or nectar.

Home-made bird feeders are a great project with kids, encouraging them to appreciate birdlife and the outdoors.

Your Handy Spring Gardening Checklist

Overwhelmed? Unsure where to start? Keep this spring gardening checklist handy, so you can reference it when you’re in the garden. Just tick the boxes as you get through each chore. Easy done.

  • Clear all winter shrubbery, sweeping up debris and dead leaves around the patio or veranda
  • Trim pathways with a whipper snipper or spade
  • Check garden hoses and taps, making sure fittings and watering systems are working
  • Clean, oil and sharpen gardening tools
  • Prune trees and shrubs
  • Nourish soil with organic fertiliser or compost
  • Add mulch around garden beds
  • Trim back and shape hedges

We hope this handy spring gardening checklist helps with your gardening tasks.

As your local Gardenologists, we’re here to keep your garden looking great. Early Up are your local North Coast landscape garden designers and landscaping experts in Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads, the Tweed Coast and across the Northern Rivers region of NSW.

Need help getting your garden ready to thrive in Spring? Need an irrigation system to keep your plants hydrated in the summer months? Early Up can help. Call us today on 0448 300 736 to arrange a quote and find out why we are the garden experts.